Okay, so I got the internet going on my laptop while I'm at school so instead of studying like I'm supposed to be doing, I can waste my time blogging. That sounds bad. I'm actually pretty confident that I know all I'm going to know for my psychology mid term. I also did pretty damn good on my political science mid term and I barely studied at all.
Anyway, as I'm walking from the Library (see? I did a little refreshing on the material) to the HUB (student center or whatever) I saw four guys standing an equal distance apart from each other in a somewhat perfect square. I figured they were just hanging around and talking to each other when I noticed that there, right square in the middle of their square was a soda can.
Now I know most people wouldn't think much of this scene. But as I'm sure anybody that's reading this right now can attest to, I'm not most people.
Mere nanoseconds after my mind processed the soda can, I believe I came up with the reason for why these people were surrounding it so uniformly:
They had formed an impromptu committee to decide whether or not one of them, or perhaps a third party, should pick up the can and after having done that decide whether or not to throw it away.
This ostensibly raised the question of the can's autonomy. Did it want to be picked up? If it did indeed want to be picked up, would it then want to be thrown away? Or would it prefer to be carried around for an indeterminate amount of time?
Would the committee, to determine the fate of the can, then need to form an oversight committee to decide who would care for the can if, once picked up, it let it be known that it did not want to be thrown away? Who would be part of this oversight committee?
These are all very important questions. It didn't help that they all got asked at once and what could potentially be the most important question never even crossed my mind...
What if the can were unopened?
I probably would have walked over and taken it so they wouldn't have to argue over who would get it. Aren't I just the most considerate person?
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
Drugs are bad...MmmmKay?
New situation (school) New problems.
Try to cope!
I bet it was a psychology experiment. You will probably be written up in some important journal some day.
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