As it is writer's barricade with armed guards on rotating shifts.
I honestly cannot think of anything to write on here and it's really starting to bug me for a few reasons. Most are trivial, but some have merit to them.
Like desperately wanting to catch up to KaTrina in post count while she's experiencing (or so it seems) the same lack of posting. Though her last post was to plug my other new blog Stranger and Fiction where I plan on posting some of my shorter works to get peoples input so I can submit them to be published.
Kinda funny that I plan on writing so much yet I can't seem to bring myself to make a post on here. It'd be awful kind if some of you could pop over and give me your opinions on the story. I'd really like honest critiques though.
Another reason I haven't been posting on here is because school has been ramping up with the end of the quarter only a couple weeks away. I've absolutely loved going to school this quarter. American Literature is easily my favorite class in regards to what I'm learning and how much I'm expanding myself.
Harry Potter and The Lord of the Rings truly are classics that deserve every bit of respect they get and have, but reading stories by authors like Ernest Hemingway, John Updike and Flannery O'Connor are satisfying on so many more levels. It's really pushed me to take my own writing to a deeper level instead of trying to write what I think will be popular.
I hope when I end up with a static character, it will be because that's their purpose in the story. I want to make people dig into the story to see what lies underneath and gain something more than just entertainment. I still want my stories to be fantastical and entertaining, but I want the substance to easily outweigh the style.
That's why it's a good thing that I have this blog (and my poor, forgotten, malnourished MySpace blog) to just come and write whatever comes to mind. Because I love writing.
I've experienced something of a confirmation by going to college. The word potential was always tossed around when I was in public schools. Like it was some kind of security blanket I refused to acknowledge, yet it was pinned to the waist of my pants, one end dragging along the ground. I knew it was there, but flat out refused to use it.
I'm stubborn like that :)
Well, now I'm using the damn thing and despite the one end being slightly ragged, it's still as useful as it's always been.
I'm always the one that's talking in both my American Literature and English Composition II classes. Even when it's supposed to be a class discussion in English 102, I'm the one leading the class in the discussion. I've always got my hand up in Lit, desperate to discuss what I'd read the night before.
I started writing this about a half hour ago and I wish I had another, but I've got to go to class. I'm really happy that I managed to find the weak spot in my writers barricade with armed guards on rotating shifts and finally posted something of substance on here. I'm wondering how many comments I'll get though.
This deserves at least three :)
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
Kelly, like I've told you before, you make your classes sound so great that I want to take them myself!
And for the 123rd time, I am SO PROUD of you!
Better? :)
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