Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Read this. I'm not even kidding, just read it

Tonight at work, my friend/boss Brandon was cleaning out the freezer and found that box right there. He called me over and told me to look at what it said. As you can plainly see, it's a box full of Aunt Jemima's Original Pancakes. Nothing out of the ordinary...

Then he turned it slightly and showed me the words French Toas (let's just pretend there's a 'T' there, mmkay?) handwritten on the side. Okay, "That's a bit off" I thought. But then...

Wait for it...

Yes. Your eyes are not deceiving you, and this isn't a different box. There were waffles inside of the pancake box, marked as having french toast.

I guess I should have warned those of you with a history of brain hemmorrhaging, but I didn't get a warning either. Anyway, these are the kinds of shenanigans that will be gotten up to in a kitchen environment.


The Donald said...

OH. MY. GOSH. That is hilarious!

SuzanSayz said...

Almost as funny in blog form as it was in person. I still can't figure out if it was done in all innocence or if it was meant to be a joke. Either way it's a winner.

Cindy Brinkerhoff said...

Mike was cracking up at this so loud I had to come see what was so darn funny - I like the toas, maybe I will start serving that for breakfast around here.

dani said...

what's so funny, kelly? obviously, the person who missmarked the box, "french 'toas'" knew exactly what he was doing, no!!?!?
dani from ky

KaTrina said...

That made my brain hurt.