"What does this styrofoam cup look like?"
"What restaurant you from?"
"What ain't no restaurant I ever heard of! They have glasses at What?"
"Glasses, table-jockey! Do they have them?!"
"Then you know what I'm talking about."
"Describe what this styrofoam cup looks like!"
"Say 'What' again. Say 'What' again! I dare you, I double dare you table-jockey! Say 'What' one more damn time!"
"It's white."
"Go on."
"It's small."
"Does it look like a dish?"
"Does. It. Look. Like. A DISH!"
"Then why'd you try to wash it like a dish Scott?"
"I didn't!"
"Yes you did. Yes you did Scott! You tried to wash it. But styrofoam cups ain't supposed to be washed, they're supposed to be thrown away."
"Did you read the manual Scott?"
"Well there's this... 'warning' I've got memorized that sort of fits this occasion. E-Z-Kleen Dishwasher Maintenance, page 4, paragraph 2: 'The filters of the dishwasher must be set, against the back side-"
"Dude, Kelly, are you going to let me get back to work or not?"
"...yeah okay, fine."
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
It's a parody of the What scene from Pulp Fiction.
Kelly, you need to remember that not everyone is a fan of or has ever even seen Pulp Fiction. So I will second KaTrina.
I have seen Pulp Fiction and I loved it, I just didn't recognize what you were talking about.
ya, um, ok, uh, how's the new video game, heh eh heh.
I'd really like a new blog =P I'm still ahead.
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