Okay, so I was pretty excited about the last Zune update mainly because it introduced gap-less play. It's still my favorite feature introduced in that update but 3.0 adds a large variety of awesome new features that make me wonder why they weren't there earlier.
Numero Uno! There's a CLOCK! Yes, yes I know. There are clocks everywhere, all I need do is look around to find one. I've got one on my cell phone, the computer has a clock and there's a nifty little analog one on the wall behind me (y'know, so I won't forget how to tell time that way, which I never will). Anyway, there's a clock on it now. Awesome... provided your on the main screen, but let's not be pickers of nits for the moment :)
第 二! Not only can you connect directly to the Marketplace now(as long as there's an unsecured wireless connection), which honestly doesn't interest me, but if radio stations are set up to display whatever song is currently playing, you can set it so Marketplace puts it in your cart for you to buy later. Like I said, the Marketplace doesn't matter to me. If I'm buying any MP3's they'll be coming from Amazon. What I'd be using this feature for (if more than a couple stations did the cool 'this is what's playing' trick for my Zune) is bookmarking songs I'd download through projectplaylist.com later.
Number THREE! And the most important to me... GAMES!!! There are games on the Zune now! Well, two at the moment. Unfortunately one of them is Texas Hold 'Em and I'm about as likely to play that as I am to... well, play anything I'd rather not. That doesn't matter though, because you also get HEXIC!!! Now I'm not talking a demo, I mean the whole game! You've got your different play modes and you can still listen to music while you play and control what songs are playing and everything! The ONLY downside is how much this can drain the battery. Today, between classes and after over an hour of doing homework, I played Hexic in the common room or whatever it's called at CBC. I'm most happy about this because I was supposed to get a free copy of the game with my 360, but as I bought it used from Hastings, and Hastings completely wipes whatever hard drive comes with a system (for obvious reasons), it was gone.
I've been happy with my Zune since a week or so after I bought it (the songs wouldn't stay on there!) and these updates keep giving me more reasons to love it. Now if only they'd give us a customizable equalizer then I'd be utterly and completely satisfied that I paid over $120 for a little hunk of plastic.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
I love my Zune!!
The 3.0 features are awesome, and like you gapless playback was a HUGE plus!
My ZuneTag is mikeymix. What's yours?
Mine is sokpupet.
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