A little over three years ago, on my first blog on MySpace, I got the idea to make
a post that was nothing but entirely random facts about myself. I was inspired to write it by all the bland surveys and questionnaires that never really offered any insight into who a person was, only what time they woke up that day or if they'd washed their car lately.
At first, it was a bit difficult to think of things to write, but once I got a few down it got a lot easier. About a year passed and I did another, and yet another a year or so after that. I even did one on here. With all these micro-exposés running around you'd think I'd have run out of facts about me. Well, I haven't. But they are getting a bit harder to come by.
I've found out recently that I'm able to scratch almost any part of my body without using my hands. At least without using my fingers.
If a droplet of water lands on my eye, be it tepid, cold or hot, I don't blink or anything. It's almost like rain on a windshield.
I feel like I'm a robot or android whenever that happens.
I'm really good at opening the microwave door just as the timer ends so I don't have to hear the beep. My ultimate goal is to consistently open the door when the timer reads :00. I've seen it done before, and I've done it twice myself.
I'm a very good wheelchair pusher.
I've had the same blanket for almost 20 years I think, if not more. You're never too old for Mickey Mouse.
Kind of like with the microwave, I can turn on the garbage disposal just long enough to clear any obstruction so the water will drain, and
not harm any silverware that might be in there.
If I'm walking, and realize I need to turn, my leading foot will stop on the ground, and quickly swing in the direction I need to go. If you saw it in action you'd think my foot was having a seizure.
I have been published before.
I'm the uncle with all the cool toys. Some are actual toys (my personal Nerf armory) and some are technically toys (electric and acoustic guitars, PS2, 360, DSLite).
I think I may possibly, though not for sure, prefer British music over American music. The feel is just entirely different for me. Green Day is still my favorite band though.
Green Day has been my favorite band for over 15 years now. No breaks either. June '94 to the present :)
I can't wait until next year when I can start saying 'Twenty-Ten.' That's when the future really starts!
I'm a very adaptive person. I may not like it when I need to adapt to something new, but it doesn't take long before it becomes natural for me.
I'm still Mormon. And someone still thinks that's funny. It wouldn't be right if she didn't.