Shifts In American Literature
Like music and art, literature reflects the many facets of life but it can offer a deeper, more intimate view from the stories told and poetry written. American literature at the turn of the 20th century showed a culture that was hopeful and saw the world in a positive light. Times had been tought before, but perseverance would always see people through to a better life. When the Great War broke out in 1914, America was on the sidelines watching the events unfold. While the literature still adhered to typical structure and subjects, it was undoubtedly heading for a change.
My American Literature professor wrote 'Nice intro' right below that. I was really happy to see that. Especially because of how long it took me to get the right words out for it. It was hard, but it was incredibly rewarding once I'd gotten out the 3 1/2 (I tried pasting a proper 1/2 symbol on here from Word, and I got a five page long error. wow.) pages and turned it in. There were a few other encouraging notes left on the sides and margins as well.
I start school again tomorrow, and while I'm nervous about going back I have a lot more confidence in myself than when I went back last fall.
I'll be taking Japanese, Social Psychology and Cultural Anthropology. I've had my Cultural Anthropology professor twice before so it'll be kind of like going back to an old friend. My other two classes are complete unknowns to me, and I couldn't be more excited for them. So maybe I'm not nervous.
No. I'm nervous :)
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
You may be nervous Kelly but I am simply PROUD.
I know that you will do well and that your teachers will appreciate your intelligence and insight!
Love mom
Give me a K
Give me a E
Give me a L
Give me a L
Give me a Y
What's that spell? KELLY! KELLY! YAY KELLY!
you like anime, right? have you ever seen Samurai Champloo? i got it for my birthday and loved it. my first real experience with anime.
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