Ever since I got my Zune about a year ago I've kept an eye out for pictures worthy of being my background. The only problem is it can't just be any picture. Due to the tallways rectangular shape of the Zune screen, and the fact that it refuses to scale or stretch an image to fit it, the picture needs to be in the general shape of a DVD case.
So pretty much whenever I see something remotely cool looking that's taller than it is fatter, I download it just to be safe. Since I know some of my blog readers are proud Zune users themselves, I'm going to post some of my favorite ones so far.
This one doesn't quite fit, but it still looks pretty good. Like something Tolkien didn't get around to creating.
Yes this is from one 'o them Japaneesy comics but the black and white contrast still looks great on the screen. And don't tell me it doesn't look cool.
This one fits just about perfectly on the screen and it's a great picture to boot. You'd never guess it was a library.
I don't know if he's going to break my kneecaps or if he's choking on his Coke Zero.
Again, it fits the screen and shows up really well. Pretty too.
I think Lewis Carroll would be proud.
This is naturally occurring? Where can I get some? Because that's freakin' awesome!
These are just some of the ones that can be enjoyed by people that aren't just me. I would think that it's obvious I've got about 50 other anime/game/music themed pics stashed on my Zune. For the other owners out there please, give these a download. Because you never know when you might be in the mood to have a goon with a coke bottle mouth be your Zune background.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
Thanks for sharing these with me today....I love the rabbit one!
These can all be cropped and scaled to fit the Zune! I have the same thing with my phone (Samsung Instinct) which has a very tallways screen, and I've determined that pictures that shape just don't occur in nature!
Thanks for the cool Zunescapes... Hopefully everyone's 30GB Zunes survived Z2K9...
I don't think that's naturally occurring. It been played with by a very talented graphic designer. Although, crystals are VERY cool. Go watch the video of Lindsay and comment. I'm not posting anything new until you do.
It is naturally occurring. It was submitted to the annual Nikon Small World photomicrography competition.
It's a 14x image of the rare mineral arsenuranospathite.
Here's a link to more of them: http://tech.msn.com/products/slideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=15772940&imageindex=1
Naturally occuring or not, it makes a lovely picture. I like most of the rest of them too. Did you leave Heidi a comment yet?
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