This is going to be a wall of text so I'm just warning you ahead of time that if you start to get lost it's perfectly okay to turn around and go right back to wherever you were before you came here and saw that I just started typing without an end goal in mind. I have to say that I'm still incredibly surprised that 'okay' gets the red squiggly line underneath it indicating that there's something wrong with it. There's nothing wrong with it though. Okay is a word. YES IT IS YOU INEPT SPELL CHECKER! GAH! Anyway, where was I? Oh, that's right: nowhere! I'm pretty much just typing for typings sake and I'm going to keep typing until either it's been 10 minutes since I started or I feel that I can't really type anymore. At least that's what I'm supposed to do for the journal I'm supposed to be keeping for my English 101 class. Oh snap, that's right! This was supposed to be a little blog about the journal I'm supposed to be keeping for my English 101 class. Woah, deja vu. Wait, woah isn't a word either on here? I know it's slang but even slang eventually becomes common vernacular. Hmm, vernacular didn't get the red squiggly line so maybe the spell checker isn't stupid so much as it isn't savvy, hip or with it. Has it been 10 minutes already? No? Okay then. So anyway, about this journal I'm supposed (are you sick of that word yet?) to be keeping for my class. We need at least 50 entries but there's no minimum. I know, logical paradox and what not but that doesn't matter. The guidelines for writing in this journal is that it needs to be at least 250 words, and we have to spend at least 10 minutes on each entry. Other than that we're completely free to talk about whatever it is we want to talk about. Somebody cut me off in traffic, write about it. Hell, the whole journal would be about idiot drivers if I took the time to document every one that I saw. That's just an example though. We might see something pretty like a sunset or blooming flowers and write about those. Or maybe write about a book we read or a movie we saw and try to wring a 10 minute expose on the experience. For example: 'I went in, saw the movie, left when the credits started to roll.' Now, that's not 250, and while it might have taken 10 minutes to write if you suck at using a pencil or peck at the keyboard desperately trying to find where that stupi... (WHERE'S THE D!? Oh, there it is) stupid letter is that you so desperately need. If you can't write to save your life (not that writing has ever saved or ever will save your life) and you don't know what a home row is then maybe worrying about a journal for English 101 isn't your biggest concern right now.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
What if you write a giant note in the snow after your plane has crashed in the middle of nowhere?
The tree that fell while no one was around to hear it would probably enjoy the nice read :)
Sorry...Philosophy is driving me nuts right now. I HATE that class!
Where are you? Nowhere??
My friend's publishing a novel about a vampire rushing through Hell, to track down his soul, so he can get into Heaven and be with the mortal woman he married, who finally died of old age.
Anyway, in today's chapter, there was a whole sequence built on the idea of being "nowhere." This played in nicely with it.
Read The Novel, If You Want
My, my, welcome to Kelly's stream of conciousness. A nice place to visit, as long as you stay no longer than 10 minutes. Okay?
Ya, I only made it into the second sentence. It's my short attention spaooh look at that cute Bruce over there! What a nice kitty.
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