Last quarter I told all of you about the critical reviews I had to do for my Psychology class and how I always scored pretty high on them. I even got my grade boosted to 25 out of 25 for two of them, and 23 on the other two. I also said how I never got started on them until a couple days before they were due but as you can see, that was never a problem.
So this quarter I have Biological Anthropology with the same teacher I had in Psychology. If you're following the pattern, I've got more critical reviews to procrastinate on. We got our first article to review on the 15th and it was due on the 22nd. If I put off doing them until late last quarter, then I did this one pretty much at the very last second. I finished it around 1:20 AM or so and spent about 10 minutes proofreading and editing the thing.
I didn't even do the special cover sheet where we sum up the main point/s and things we learned from the article. Not including that is an automatic 10 points off the paper. I had to do that when I woke up and the first few minutes of class. Last quarter Psychology was my last class and I had two hours between it and my second class as a kind of buffer. Not so now, since this is my first class.
So I was positive that what I was going to turn in seven hours later would be lucky to see a score above 15. So, fast forward to this morning when we get our reviews back. Instead of being passed out, papers, quizzes and tests are set up front to be picked up. I didn't really want to get mine because I'd hate to go from a great round of reviews last quarter to a disappointing start this quarter. Needing to know everything though, I got it.
But I wasn't going to look!
But that needing to know thing...
You only see outrageously physical double takes in cartoons and most sitcoms. I am here to tell you different.
I nearly snapped my neck when I saw that I had gotten a 23 out of 25 on my last minute, under the gun, rush job of a paper getting an 'A'. I was sorely tempted to speak with Dr. Taff (that's the professor, duh :P) and tell him that I don't think I got the right grade for my paper.
I didn't, but only because this year the critical reviews will be different. Instead of four of them this quarter, only three will be needed. There will still be four articles, and all four can be reviewed, but only three will be scored and count towards the final grade. The lowest getting dropped of course.
So I'll be doing all four of them to make up for what I consider to be an overly generous score. Unless of course the paper really was that good, haha.
A Night With Joshua Bell
5 years ago
Kelly, I'm sure you can recall the story of the man looking to hire a driver for his stage coach. The driver would be required to take a route that went along a rather dangerous cliff, with a very narrow road. Well the first three men tried to impress the would be employer, with just how close to the edge they could drive, without falling off. The fourth, and last, guy came in for his interview. The owner of the coach, informed him of the daring exploits his fellow applicants had described. He asked the last fellow, what he could do. The young man was a very steady and responsible person. "Well, I have no idea how close to the edge I can get without falling off." he replied. "Because I drive as far from the edge as possible."
Now I think you know who was hired here Kelly.
Don't roll your eyes. I am happy that you have been able to pull off these minor miracles. I just hope that you will learn some better study habits because one of these days a last minute paper may not pull you out of the fire.
Love Mom.
Thank you Mom, but the point of my post was that I wasn't comfortable with the grade I got for a paper I didn't put more effort into. I don't like that I have such a hard time getting started on my assignments. I'm trying to start earlier on them but my inborn procrastination is doing all it can to stop me.
Geez slacker. Don't take my position on being the biggest procrastinator ever, it's just not allowed. Then, what would I be good at?!
25 years ago I received an A in modern Physics when I should have failed. To this day I keep telling myself that I am going to retake that class.
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