...at least in procrastination. Anybody here remember that $175 ticket I got back in February for the state patrolman being an unfair prick? It's finally been paid off as of yesterday. What sucked is it cost me $142 to do it despite the fact that I'd already paid $95 into it.
Apparently, while they were able to send all the
necessary paper work about my ticket to the correct address, they weren't able to send the letter stating that because I didn't make a payment within 30 days of getting the ticket (despite the court date being outside of those 30 days) I got a late fee of over $50 added onto it. That's not even mentioning that after I did the math, the remainder should have been $132.
The lazy bitch I talked to about it was too busy being a lazy, 'I don't care if we screwed you over, I hate my life because I'm a worthless government/
bureaucratic drone, and I'm not about to make any attempt to make yours any better by comparison',
BITCH, I decided 'To hell with this, I'll just pay the greedy bastards and hope they have to suffer through severe dust storms, because that seems to be the worst environmental disaster (and believe me, that's a stretch!) eastern Washington is able to come up with.
As a side note, there's an episode of Futurama where Bender unknowingly has a bomb installed in him that will blow up (blow uppity enough to destroy a planet) if he says a certain word: ASS. Problem is, he says it
all the time so they have to reset the bomb to detonate to a word he never says, in this case
antiquing, which he
does say and naturally
KABOOMS!!!That means he blew up.
Now why did I just tell you all that? Because now you know why I write
antiquing on any checks I write out due to unfair tickets. With the hope that maybe somebody who processes the checks has seen that episode and either freaks a little, or laughs a little.
It's like a service I provide. But, just like a swift kick in the pants, everybody
needs what I'm selling, but nobody
wants it!
Yes, I cribbed that from Calvin and Hobbes.