Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Still earlier than expected, but I've always been anxious

Wikipedia has the following to say about friendship:

Friendship is a term used to denote co-operative and supportive behavior between two or more beings.

It says a lot more about it, but any college student worth his salt knows that Wikipedia isn't exactly where you go for any kind of definitive information. While it is true that friendship is, at it's core, two people that support each other, this is an oversimplification.

Friendship is about the commitment to and caring for someone you feel closer to than anyone else. You would do anything for them whether they asked you to or not. You love them unconditionally. You are there for them when they need you. It could be a ride home from work, or a desperate phone call at 3 in the morning. You don't feel burdened, but happy that you are there for them.

The best part is that your friends feel the same way. They know you better than you know yourself sometimes. They know that you will have your good days, your off days, your bad days and your 'I honestly don't know what the hell I'm even doing anymore!' days. They stick with you no matter what, always calling just one more time to try and help you.

If you ever get a friend like that, you are not to let them go. You are not to push them away. They are there for you.

If you have a friend like mine, then you know exactly what I'm talking about.

I'm sorry that I deleted the post I made about us KaTrina. What I said in it came out so naturally and I feel terrible that I can't get it back up on here.

Now, not to be all secretive, but what's happened is between KaTrina and I. I doubt I'd be able to properly explain all that's happened in such a short period of time without a smidgen of breakdown poking through anyway. So please, if you're going to comment, just comment on how nice of a post this is and that we're lucky to have each other as friends*. You could almost consider our friendship an accident, which makes it even more meaningful. I actually wonder how many people actually know that story besides KaTrina and I.

Oh well, another time I'm sure.

*otherwise I'll have to be a totalitarian ass and delete it. and i'm too worn out to do that

Monday, October 27, 2008


Okay, so I got the internet going on my laptop while I'm at school so instead of studying like I'm supposed to be doing, I can waste my time blogging. That sounds bad. I'm actually pretty confident that I know all I'm going to know for my psychology mid term. I also did pretty damn good on my political science mid term and I barely studied at all.

Anyway, as I'm walking from the Library (see? I did a little refreshing on the material) to the HUB (student center or whatever) I saw four guys standing an equal distance apart from each other in a somewhat perfect square. I figured they were just hanging around and talking to each other when I noticed that there, right square in the middle of their square was a soda can.

Now I know most people wouldn't think much of this scene. But as I'm sure anybody that's reading this right now can attest to, I'm not most people.

Mere nanoseconds after my mind processed the soda can, I believe I came up with the reason for why these people were surrounding it so uniformly:

They had formed an impromptu committee to decide whether or not one of them, or perhaps a third party, should pick up the can and after having done that decide whether or not to throw it away.

This ostensibly raised the question of the can's autonomy. Did it want to be picked up? If it did indeed want to be picked up, would it then want to be thrown away? Or would it prefer to be carried around for an indeterminate amount of time?

Would the committee, to determine the fate of the can, then need to form an oversight committee to decide who would care for the can if, once picked up, it let it be known that it did not want to be thrown away? Who would be part of this oversight committee?

These are all very important questions. It didn't help that they all got asked at once and what could potentially be the most important question never even crossed my mind...

What if the can were unopened?

I probably would have walked over and taken it so they wouldn't have to argue over who would get it. Aren't I just the most considerate person?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

All without a chair

I have my own computer now! A Dell Inspiron 1525 laptop to be precise. While I got it mainly for school, it's not limited to stuffy busy work. I've already got plenty of games on here and now that the internet is up and running on it, I'll be able to really get everything set up. Only problem is that it's not as fast as the desktop. Well, when it comes to downloading at least. Hopefully there'll be some kind of remedy for that.

Don't know what else to write so I'll just leave it at this and think of what I'm going to post about next. I've got four entries with titles that are waiting to be filled out and posted.

Soon enough.

Here are some pictures I took as I was opening it though. Very exciting.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Maybe it's just the exhaustion typing but...

If I were immortal, I would love to watch a video of the Earth taken from outer space (not too far mind you), from the beginning to end, in super fast forward.

Watch the continents form, merge, break apart, climates change and environments shift. Witness civilizations rise and fall, spread out and take hold. The occasional nuclear explosion, both in space and on the planet, would be particularly cool. Kinda like fireworks.

If you don't think that would be cool, then the existence of your imagination has been called into question.

Friday, October 17, 2008

A change of pace for a change

There's a lot of things we take for granted in our lives. You know the list is long, but is going to the movies ever on it?

I think it should be.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Why didn't I think of that?

This is from

It's a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language.

Warning: this comic occasionally contains strong language (which may be unsuitable for children), unusual humor (which may be unsuitable for adults), and advanced mathematics (which may be unsuitable for liberal-arts majors).

Here's another!

Centrifugal Force

And another!

Duty Calls

And why not, here's another!

I'm off to Psychology 101 now. I'll be back with another post about human adaptability.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


teh siiiiigh

I know it's been fall for a few weeks now, but at least it didn't quite seem like fall. We still had mostly clear skies, warm weather, and it wasn't that cold at night... yet.

I just went to check the mail because it's usually just me that does it, and it wasn't there when I checked it when I got home from school today. Stepping outside I was met with the familiar gust of goosebumply wind.

You know how when you're in the shower, the water isn't that hot to begin with and you know it's only going to get worse? That's the feeling I got when that wind hit me. I knew that whatever warm weather we have now isn't going to last much longer, and there's nothing I can do about it.

For the first time in my life I'm not looking forward to fall and/or winter.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Michael Scott

Of all the characters on The Office, I relate to Michael Scott the most. Well, let me clarify: I relate to Michael Scott because he acts how I used to when I was younger. I finally grew out of it when I was around 15 or so, but there are instances when I was 18 and 19 where I acted like Michael. These Michael moments (henceforth known as Scottisms) mostly revolved around situations regarding girls.

I was awkward as all hell around girls when I was younger (still am), and some of the things I would say and do make me cringe now whenever I remember them. So whenever I see Michael do something incredibly stupid in regards to a woman he likes, I get that double cringe going along with a feeling of 'oh man, I've done that too' thrown in for good measure.

Not just with women though! There are so many times I've witnessed Scottisms that unearth some repressed memory of mine that makes me laugh and feel like a complete idiot at the same time. Mostly it's when Michael expresses that he feels left out of something when he had no reason to be included! Like when Kelly got Ryan that traditional Indian outfit and Michael asked where his was. Now while that never happened to me exactly, there's been plenty of times I wanted to know why I didn't get one too (whatever that 'one' happened to be) when I shouldn't have expected it.

I think that if Michael had friends like I did when I was in school, he wouldn't be so awkward now. I mean come on, you've seen how normal he is when it's just him and Jim talking to each other. He's just so worried about being cool and everybody's friend that he can't help but come off as a dumbass with no regard for other's feelings. Which is totally not true. He cares for everybody in the office... he's just really really awkward.

Like me!

I see not everybody has voted on my poll. You should take a few seconds and do that. PS.

oh no i di'n't

Monday, October 6, 2008

I have a poll now!

And I'm tied with somebody for post count as well.

I have to ask that people don't skew the results.

I assure you there will be full sized post when I get home from school today.

Sunday, October 5, 2008


It's a good thing that you're not allowed to use Wikipedia to help write papers for school... because with how easily I get sidetracked, I'd never get around to actually doing the paper.

Do any of you get so lost in Wikipedia that you forget why you went there in the first place until you go back until you see what it was?

Wikipedia or How to lose an hour and not even know it!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Some kind of record... least in procrastination. Anybody here remember that $175 ticket I got back in February for the state patrolman being an unfair prick? It's finally been paid off as of yesterday. What sucked is it cost me $142 to do it despite the fact that I'd already paid $95 into it.

Apparently, while they were able to send all the necessary paper work about my ticket to the correct address, they weren't able to send the letter stating that because I didn't make a payment within 30 days of getting the ticket (despite the court date being outside of those 30 days) I got a late fee of over $50 added onto it. That's not even mentioning that after I did the math, the remainder should have been $132.

The lazy bitch I talked to about it was too busy being a lazy, 'I don't care if we screwed you over, I hate my life because I'm a worthless government/bureaucratic drone, and I'm not about to make any attempt to make yours any better by comparison', BITCH, I decided 'To hell with this, I'll just pay the greedy bastards and hope they have to suffer through severe dust storms, because that seems to be the worst environmental disaster (and believe me, that's a stretch!) eastern Washington is able to come up with.

As a side note, there's an episode of Futurama where Bender unknowingly has a bomb installed in him that will blow up (blow uppity enough to destroy a planet) if he says a certain word: ASS. Problem is, he says it all the time so they have to reset the bomb to detonate to a word he never says, in this case antiquing, which he does say and naturally KABOOMS!!!

That means he blew up.

Now why did I just tell you all that? Because now you know why I write antiquing on any checks I write out due to unfair tickets. With the hope that maybe somebody who processes the checks has seen that episode and either freaks a little, or laughs a little.

It's like a service I provide. But, just like a swift kick in the pants, everybody needs what I'm selling, but nobody wants it!

Yes, I cribbed that from Calvin and Hobbes.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

In poor taste and probably untrue

Give a homeless man a box of fish sticks and he'll eat for a day
Point the homeless man in the general direction of a Wal-Mart in front of which he can
beg for money for fish sticks, and he'll eat for a lifetime... at least until people realize he won't actually be buying fish sticks with the money he'll be getting and he moves on to the Wal-Mart one town over.